Quest «R500» for Youth
27.11.2016Within the framework of The Light Up Youth Ministry of The Light of Life Church the quest "5 Pillars of the Reformation" was organized in the context of large-scale all-Ukrainian R500 project. The purpose of the quest is to familiarize young people with the basic principles of the Reformation. Each team member discovered the fundamental principles:
1. Sola Scriptura ("Scripture alone")
2. Sola Fide ("by faith alone")
3. Sola Gratia ("by grace alone")
4. Solus Christus ("Christ alone")
5. Soli Deo Gloria ("Glory to God alone")
So the quest "5 Pillars of the Reformation" in an accessible form conveyed the fundamental principles of the Reformation for the younger generation. These principles are intended to be not a theory, but practice and embodiment into the modern realities.