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Church Blessed Little Mariam 09.05.2018

This day everyone rejoiced, blessing little Mariam Tsyganenko and her parents Sergey and Yana! Also the church stayed in worshiping the Lord and listening the Word of God and took the Holy Communion.

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Meeting with Ruslan Kukharchuk’s Participation 25.04.2018

The Light of Life Church was blessed with the arrival and service of the Word. And for this time it was Ruslan Kukharchuk, a guest from the capital of Ukraine, a wonderful person and a minister on God's field.

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Participated in the Prayer Marathon 17.04.2018

The Light of Life Church in Poltava took part in the All-Ukrainian Prayer Marathon.

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Meeting with the Participation of the Pastor of the Ruth Church 13.04.2018

A great blessing for The Light of Life Church was the evening Wednesday service with the participation of Nadezhda Deryabkin, the pastor of the Ruth Church in Romny, who shared her inspirational testimonies from her personal life and an encouraging message from the Word of God.

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Festive Program for Children on Easter 12.04.2018

An excellent program was conducted by The Light of Life Church for the children of the city of Poltava on the Christian holiday of Easter. Favorite superheroes, interesting games, a biblical story about Jesus Christ and gifts were waiting for all the kids who came that day to the temple of the church.

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Festive Service for Easter 10.04.2018

The solemn service was held in The Light of Life Church on the Christian holiday of the Lord's Passover. This day hymns of praise and a strong message about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ sounded in the church.


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Programs of The Christmas Child Project 2018 27.03.2018

The Light of Life Church organised programs for kids according to The Christmas Child Project

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The Light of Life Church Celebrated Its 29th Anniversary 20.03.2018

On Sunday, March 18, The Light of Life Church celebrated its 29th anniversary.

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See You in Heaven! 06.02.2018

January 31, 2018, the pastor Lidia Nemchenko of the daughter The Light of Life Church in the village of Klyusivka passed to her eternal rest. We offer our condolences to the church, relatives and close people.

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Bride and Groom were Introduced to the Church 23.01.2018

On January 21, 2018 pastor Dimitry Laptev announced an engagement of Ilya and Tatyana.


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