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Family Ministry 14.02.2019

On the eve of The Valentine's Day The Light of Life Church had family meeting. A special "dress code" of the meeting was to come togather with your husband or wife.

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Christmas for Little Friends 10.01.2019

We already have a good tradition to celebrate Christmas with little friends of The Firefly Children Sunday School.

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Christmas Holiday 2019 09.01.2019

On Christmas Day The Light of Life Church had a special festal program.


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Final Ministry of 2018 31.12.2018

2018 came to the end. Many things has been passed, done and experienced... God does not leave His church! On final ministry we especially glorified God for everything He does in life of Church of Christ and each of us.


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Program for Children on Holidays 18.12.2018

On the last day of school holidays creative department of The Light of Life Church prepared an exciting program for children.
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Engagement of Andrey and Ekaterina 25.10.2018

On October 21, 2018 The Light of Life Church rejoiced and congratulated a new young couple, who was engaged at Sunday service.


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Church Took Part in the Prayer Marathon 2018 16.10.2018

The Light of Life Сhurch took part in the All-Ukrainian yearly prayer marathon The Reformation of Ukraine.


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Feast of the Harvest is a Thanksgiving Day 09.10.2018

On the first Sunday of October The Light of Light Church gathered togather to praise Jesus and to express gratitude to Him for everyhing He has done for all of us.


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Pastor from Bulgaria served in The Light of Life Church 02.10.2018

Brothers and sisters of The Light of Life Church were blessed by the visit and ministry of pastor Lyubomir Shivarov from Bulgarian The Zion Church.


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Celebration of Older People's Day 21.09.2018

On the eve of celebration of Older People's Day was organised a special program with congratulations, a festive concert, gifts and a banquet in Poltava The Light of Life


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